Wirraminna attracts thousands of school students each year. We can offer support to schools to engage in cross-curriculum environmental education initiatives whilst at Wirraminna and follow up with in-school visits.

We ask that schools contribute $3 per student for visits which is a donation to our volunteer led facility.

Once you have confirmed your booking with one of our staff (02 6029 3185), please fill in the School Booking Form below.




    What are you studying in class that you would like us to cover with some activities? Please tell us:

    • There is only one toilet located at Wirraminna.

    • A risk assessment is available from the Wirraminna website.

    • Students are to wear enclosed footwear, be sun safe and bring warm clothes as the excursion will continue if there is wet weather.

    • Please provide name labels for all students and visitors.

    • Make sure you bring your camera!

    For any other information please call 02 6029 3185 or email admin@wirraminna.org.au